Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a 1964 Christmas stop motion animated television special. It first aired Sunday, December 6, 1964, on the NBC television network in the United States, and was sponsored by General Electric under the umbrella title of The General Electric Fantasy Hour. The special was based on the Johnny Marks song “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” It has been telecast every year since 1964, making it the longest continuously running Christmas TV special. On CBS November 29th.
Classic Christmas Movies Coming to 4K for First Time from Warner Bros. And Universal
What’s Coming to Netflix for Christmas 2022 What's on Netflix...
Christmas movies preparing to film in Capital Region 225 Baton Rouge...
Move Over, Hallmark — HGTV's First-Ever Scripted Christmas Movies Are On The Way Scary Mommy...
Matching Christmas Pajamas for the Whole Family
Who doesn’t love going all matchy for the Christmas holiday pajamas? These pajamas are perfect for Christmas card photos , polar express train ride, meeting Santa at the mall or waking up on Christmas morning, simply Christmas morning cuteness. A Holiday Tradition – Family matching Christmas pajamas will make everyone smile.
Flintstones Fruity Pebbles Christmas Commercial
Here is a commercial celebrating the Holiday season for Fruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles, featuring Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble…
The Pink Panther in “A Very Pink Christmas”
Pink Panther and Big Nose establish rival Christmas tree businesses in their attempts to earn the purchase price for a mutually coveted luxury car. In the process, they inadvertently discover the true Christmas spirit of giving.
Christmas in Andalusia Alabama
This small Alabamian city with a name like a fairy-tale country transforms its main square to “Christmas in Candyland,” complete with snow-making machines each December.
Ugly Christmas Sweaters for Your Next Christmas Party
Some of the funniest Christmas Sweaters, some ugly and others just beautiful, can be found right here. The ugly Christmas sweater has become a ubiquitous feature of the holiday season, on par with grumbling about Black Friday or wrestling with the Christmas lights.
The Polar Express 2004- All Aboard Scene
The “All Aboard” scene from the movie Polar Express is a pivotal moment where the young protagonist, a skeptical boy struggling to believe in the magic of Christmas, finally takes a leap of faith and boards the train to the North Pole.