Christmas Is In
Scrooged Movie Trailer
In this modern take on Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol,” Frank Cross (Bill Murray) is a wildly successful television executive whose cold ambition and curmudgeonly nature have driven away the love of his life, Claire Phillips (Karen Allen). But after firing a staff member, Eliot Loudermilk (Bobcat Goldthwait), on Christmas Eve, Frank is visited by a series of ghosts who give him a chance to re-evaluate his actions and right the wrongs of his past.
Tom and Jerry Home for Christmas
Tom and Jerry have a squabble under the Christmas tree, until the holiday spirit catches up with them. Enjoy Home…
Vienna Boys Choir at Christmas
The Vienna Boys’ Choir or Vienna Choir Boys is a choir of boy sopranos and altos based in Vienna, Austria…
Christmas Carols The Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge – Live Concert HD
Enjoy this live concert of The Choir of St. John’s College, Cambridge. On the musical program: Bob Chilcot – The…
Niagara Falls’ Winter Festival Of Lights
The Winter Festival of Lights is Canada’s largest illumination festival that takes you on an 8-km journey through a beautifully-decorated Niagara Falls. As many as 1.5 million people attend the festival every year and it’s become an annual tradition for many Canadians across the country.